Name a Belfast park – submission deadline extended

Fri, 11/21/2014 - 3:45pm

BELFAST — Those who live in or visit Belfast may be noticing some changes in the unnamed public green space that is situated on Main Street between Northern Lights Gallery, County Copy Center, and Front Street. That's because Our Town Belfast, the community's Main Street organization, is wrapping up a grant project aimed at enhancing the space while giving it a real identity as an official park.

In October, Belfast City Council voted to take the space under the jurisdiction of the Parks and Recreation commission and Our Town Belfast set out to find the park a name, seeking input from the public. While more than 65 names were submitted through online polling in October, the deadline has now been extended in favor of gaining more public input, with council preference given to names honoring the history of the area.

"It's a great time to delve into some history at the Belfast Free Library, or talk to a local historian or friend or family member who has lived in Belfast for a long time," said Our Town Belfast executive director Breanna Pinkham Bebb. "While all names will be considered, it is was suggested by the Belfast City Council that a name of historic significance would be most ideal."

Would-be park namers now have until Friday, Dec. 5 to continue sharing their ideas. There will be a dropbox at Belfast City Hall, at the High Street entrance, which is open most weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., and Wednesdays from 8 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

 There will also be an online poll at The person who submits the winning name will be given a small token of appreciation from Our Town Belfast; a framed Belfast collage and a t-shirt.