Union seeks developer interest in building senior housing on town-owned property

Sat, 02/24/2024 - 8:00am

    UNION –  The town has received a letter of interest for the design and construction of senior rental housing in the former Union School building. In January, the town issued a Request for Qualifications from developers interested in the project. The deadline for responding is 2 p.m. Feb. 29.

    The two-story building and basement contains nearly 11,000 square feet. It was built as a school for all grades in 1932 and was decommissioned in 1987 by RSU 40. The former school building is connected to the Thompson Community Center, both of which are owned by the town.

    At the polls in November, a majority of voters approved land use changes that allow redevelopment of the vacant school building. Also approved was the use of future tax revenue generated from the senior housing for improvements to the Community Center. Voters also gave the Select Board authority to enter into an agreement for the redevelopment.

    At a Feb. 6 Select Board meeting, Steve Migliorini of the Thompson Working Group told board members they had received “a strong letter of interest in the project” from an experienced senior housing developer. Letters of interest were sought by Feb. 1.

    The Request for Qualifications asks developers “to provide a conceptual description for the redesign of Union School.” This description is to include conceptual sketches, cost estimates and identification of funding to complete the project. Information requested from developers includes design team qualifications, resumes, and past projects. Also to be submitted is the developer’s vision for the property and a summary of information “deemed by the development team to be important to the community’s decision process.”