Opus One Big Band concert to benefit music department, April 27

Event has passed

    WALDOBORO — Opus One Big Band will be performing Saturday, April 27, at 6 p.m., in the Ronald E Dolloff Auditorium at Medomak Valley High School.

    Organized and directed by Dale Perkins, Opus One has been in operation for over 20 years and is a volunteer organization of professional and semiprofessional musicians who willingly give their time to provide fundraising concerts for schools and communities around the state of Maine and New Hampshire. Opus One’s belief of support for local music is important to them and their purpose of giving students pathways to success by supporting their programs.

    “Opus One is extremely pleased to be supporting the Medomak Valley High School Music Department,” said a news release. “Come see our performance and support your local music program.”

    Event Date: 

    Sat, 04/27/2024 - 6:00pm

    Event Location: 

    Medomak Valley High School


    Medomak Valley High School
    Waldoboro, ME 04572
    United States