Knox County celebrates National County Government Month 

Fri, 04/19/2024 - 5:00pm

    During the month of April, Knox County is celebrating National County Government Month to highlight how the county achieves healthy, safe and vibrant communities.

    Utilizing a message of “ForwardTogether,” inspired by the signature focus of National Association of Counties, the theme highlights the powerful role of county governments as intergovernmental partners that:

    ·         Connect, building bridges to advance excellence and networks in county government

    ·         Inspire, driving community engagement and residents’ trust in county government, and  

    ·         Lead, spearheading local, state, and federal intergovernmental partnerships and common-sense policy solutions.

    Elected and appointed Knox County officials and employees aspire to connect and collaborate with our 19 mainland and island communities, while providing inspiration to residents to become involved through direct engagement, and to instill pride and trust and to lead in the development of partnerships and policies for the benefit of all.

    “There are many layers to Knox County government and its responsibilities”, said Gordon Page, Interim County Administrator, “and I encourage all residents to learn about how it works”.

    The various departments are staffed by well trained and seasoned workers who go to work every day on our behalf. These include the corrections officers who oversee our jail population; sheriff's deputies who patrol our rural roadways; the folks who keep our airport running smoothly; the emergency management agency staff who prepare for, monitor and react to both natural and man-made disasters; and our 911 dispatchers who are the link connecting those in need with emergency first responders.

    Additionally, there are the folks who work at the courthouse handling deeds, probate, the prosecution of criminal acts and who handle other legal matters; and those in administration, finance, information technology and facility management.

    Each of these individuals are part of the team working for all Knox County residents and taxpayers.           


    About Knox County – Counties are Maine’s oldest form of government and preceded the incorporation of Maine as a state in 1820. There are 16 counties in Maine. Knox County is named for General Henry Knox, a revolutionary war hero. It is Maine’s newest county and was incorporated by the Maine State Legislature in 1860. Knox County is comprised of the municipalities of Appleton, Camden, Cushing, Friendship, Hope, Isle Au Haut, Matinicus Island Plantation, North Haven, Owls Head, Rockland, Rockport, St. George, South Thomaston, Thomaston, Union, Vinalhaven, Warren, Washington, and the unorganized territories of Criehaven Township and the Mussel Ridge Township.
