letter to the editor

Feedback invited on Camden Pathways Master Plan

Mon, 03/04/2024 - 7:45pm

What are your thoughts on Camden’s sidewalks and pathways? What planning and investments do you think Camden should undertake? Where do you think the town’s priorities should lie in the future in this regard, and how should the priorities be ordered?

The Camden-Rockport Pathways Committee has been working over the past year or more to refine these questions and answers and to set goals and priorities. The result, the updated Camden Pathways Master Plan, will, when accepted by the Select Board, provide guidance and priorities for the Town’s Public Works and other departments.

Grant applications, budget lines and infrastructure plans and repairs will keep these goals in mind, merging or expanding projects to incorporate where possible needed active transportation infrastructure and ADA accommodations.

The Camden Select Board invites you to provide input and feedback on the draft of the Master Plan. Please go to the town website to read it. From the Home page, scroll down under “Latest Town News” to “Camden Pathways Master Plan: Please Give Us Feedback!” and check it out.

Anita Brosius-Scott lives in Camden