Letter to the editor

Easy math, folks

Sat, 10/28/2023 - 8:30pm

Some facts regarding Question 3 on the upcoming Maine ballot
The proposed decision makers of PTP will be elected officials. Once again NO DIRECT EXPERIENCE IN RUNNING AN ELECTRICAL UTILITY.
The $13 billion price tag that CMP and Versant have established as a buyout is a price that will have to be paid for and passed directly onto Maine residents. A lower btu cost does not necessarily guarantee a lower bill once transmission and distribution are included. 
 $13,000,000,000... that's a lot of zeros to be on the hook for before any savings are seen at all... and they'll all be passed onto Maine electrical consumers. 

The decision, like many, all boils down to simple math. There are 559,516 CMP residential customers and 133,671 Versant. So a total of 693,187 households will be bearing the burden of thirteen billion dollars...that's $18,753... but it's minus the hypothetical $30 savings every month that you'll see on your electric bill. Easy math, folks!
Felicia Giordano lives in Rockport