Warren’s Scout Troop 254 takes part in 2024 Klondike Derby

Tue, 02/13/2024 - 5:00pm

Boy Scout Troop 254 of Warren, Maine took part in the Casco Bay District 2024 Klondike Derby, their second Klondike Derby of 2024. The theme of this derby was Weather Disasters and it was held at Camp Hinds in Raymond, Maine. They had a beautiful sunny warm day to participate in all of the activities of the Klondike Derby.

The purpose of the Klondike Derby is for Scouts to test their outdoor scouting skills, work together as a team, and to use their leadership skills to problem solve together. The Troop tied for second place and after a rock paper scissor shoot out graciously accepted third place!

The troop had six different weather activities to participate in throughout the day. This included a sled race of where they had to make it back to their shelter before the storm hit! Then they had to show they could start a fire big enough to cook a yummy pancake!

The Boy Scout motto is to leave no trace behind, so when a storm hit, they had to make sure to clean up an area by abiding by that motto. What will you need when a natural disaster hits? They had to test their knowledge of what the most important items were if they were stranded somewhere in certain weather conditions! They also had to show they could build a storm shelter in the event of an emergency – building a shelter is always a fun time. Finally, they had to rescue a "victim who had fallen through the ice,” and they learned first aid techniques for hypothermia and other cold weather injuries.

It was a great day of fun scouting activities.

Boy Scout Troop 254 meets every Thursday, from 6:30 - 8 p.m., at the Second Congregational Church in Warren. For information on joining scouts, please reach out to Scoutmaster Bruce Bossow at 207-975-3479.