What are you doing this summer?

Five Towns adult ed creates summer session

Thu, 06/13/2019 - 9:45am

ROCKPORT — Five Town CSD Adult and Community Education announces the first summer session of Adult Ed.

Outdoor painting, nature trips, cooking, foreign language classes and more are among the selection of offerings. There is no brochure available, but the 9-page newsletter is available to view or download from the front
page of the website www.fivetowns.maineadulted.org (if you are reading this online, click here for the newsletter), where you can also sign up for classes using a credit or debit card.

For registration by check or phone, call Adult Ed at 236-7800, option 5, but note that staff are not in the office every day during summer.

You can also email adulted@fivetowns.net with any questions, but registrations cannot be taken by email.

For more information or to sign up contact adult ed at 236-7800, ext 5.