Letter to the editor: Tom Whiting

Attention Rockland citizens: Zoning changes citywide

Fri, 01/04/2019 - 8:45pm

The Rockland City government is currently in the process of  making significant changes to the zoning ordinances of the entire city.  Reduced frontage requirements, lowering of minimum setbacks, coupled with increases to allowable lot coverage are being proposed for many zones and will, most likely, be adopted and become law very quickly. 

 The proposed changes will alter current Residential AA, Residential A, Residential B, Rural Residential 1, Rural Residential 2,  and Business Park zones citywide. Whether you are in favor of, or opposed to these changes, I urge all citizens of Rockland to pay attention to this matter, as it will undoubtedly affect each and every one of you in some way. 
Inform yourselves, in order to contemplate how these changes may affect you.  If you are so inclined, use your opportunity for public comment at the city council meeting before the final vote, as the process will soon be over.
 The intended changes being considered may be viewed on the City of Rockland website under current city council agendas and minutes. The complete text may also be viewed at City Hall or by requesting it from the City Clerk.
Once again, I emphatically urge all Rockland citizens and property owners to inform themselves of these pending changes, as they may have some impact upon your current or future interests in Rockland. 
Tom Whiting lives in Rockland