A Prophetic Sign - A Red Wave is Coming

Sun, 10/28/2018 - 3:30pm

 As of today, October 28, the Red Soxs have won three out of four games against the LA Dodgers. With three games left, the Red Sox's only need to win one more game to win the 2018 World Series.

As I was sitting here this morning, it dawned on me that the Red Sox will not only win the 2018 World Series, but this prophetically represents the victorious “Red” wave we will see November 6 at the voting booth.

I believe both, the House and Senate will not only retain the majority, but have a great victory that will astonish this nation. Just as there is a “Red Sox Nation” the US will become even more a “Red” nation.

Red also represents the blood of Jesus. A "red" wave of a move of God is coming to this Nation. It's time to capture the moment and prepare for both, the harvest and an outpouring of His Glory.

This outpouring may not take place from above, but first through God's people for it is "Christ in you the hope of glory" (Col. 1:27) As always, "Rise and shine for your light HAS come and His glory HAS risen upon you" (Is.60:1).

With great joy - Roy