Readers’ query: What are you doing to live more lightly on the land (and your wallet)?

Sat, 04/06/2024 - 8:00pm Readers: We are curious to learn how you are adjusting your lifestyle and habits to live more lightly, and frugally, in our immediate Midcoast landscape. 

    What changes have you made with your day-to-day existence? Do you cultivate a backyard garden? Do you bike and walk more to your destinations? Do you throw less trash away, and compost food scraps more? Are you darning and sewing more? Scrutinizing your power bills, and installing solar panels on a small or large scale? Do you work remotely more often, and cook more instead of eating out?

    We want to hear your ideas, and share them in an article about how fellow community members are reducing their footprint, and watching their wallets in these inflationary times. And just as importantly, do these measures bring a sense of well-being?

    Email us at with a few lines about what strategies you have implemented. If you'd rather submit your ideas anonymously, that’s fine, too. We welcome the dialog so that we can learn from each other.