Letter to the editor: The gift of kind spirit following theft

Sat, 07/29/2017 - 12:00pm

Some time between the hours of 1 a.m. and 9 a.m., Friday, July 28, the hanging coleus that was in the front yard was stolen.  The fact of a theft is painful enough, but today is the anniversary of my mother's traumatic death, a day that continues to haunt.  Readers know how hard this is.

But I had also taken a long time choosing the coleus, and wouldn't have considered it, if it had not been priced down to $6, an expenditure that had to promise beauty and comfort, not only for me, but for passersby.  (The flags were no longer present). I have tended the coleus every day. I cared for it. Is that the appeal to the thief, as, surely, it wasn't longing for the plant that prompted the theft.

I do not think it was "kids."  I appreciate that the Rockland Police Department officer arrived quickly, but for me, this is an act most cruel; not lessened by the price.  I have enough to mourn today.

As I was writing this, someone quietly left a gift on the deck.  A random act of kindness from a stranger.  May all blessings come to you and yours.  You have given joy amidst the sorrow.  Thank you for giving the gift of kind spirit.

Maggie Trout lives in Rockland