
Eagle enjoys early spring perch in Camden

Tue, 03/27/2018 - 1:30pm

Cynthia Wheeler spotted this eagle on Sand Street, in Camden, on March 26. The eagles that frequent Millville like to feed in the Megunticook River, which runs through the Camden neighborhood.

According to the Maine Dept. of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife: “Maine’s bald eagles are primarily fish eaters at inland settings on the lakes and rivers. In coastal estuaries and (especially) offshore, they eat a more varied diet adding seabirds and waterfowl. Eagles will perch along shorelines waiting for prey. Hunting flights are usually extended glides low over open water: trying to stay dry while catching a meal on the wing. If they get too wet, they will use their wings like oars and remain on the shore or a very low perch in order to dry out before attempting to fly again.”