I Am Against Exceptions

- Private group -
Fri, 01/03/2014 - 7:00am

Members of the Planning Board:

I have delayed writing because I have very mixed feelings regarding this issue. From my personal experience benefiting from a 30 day treatment program, I object to the open campus format, catered food and other coddling elements of the proposed program. Even Liz Taylor cleaned toilets at the Betty Ford Center. At whatever price, the fundamentals of a 12 step program must be respected to achieve the lowest level of relapse. 

But Camden will not running the program, and we voting citizens are not on the Board pursuing our vision for a successful venture. Rather, we Camden citizens are being asked to approve an exception to a zoning ordinance.  I am against exceptions, since they become the new rule, or standard. This process has been far too expensive for both sides of the issue and far too burdensome on our city government. We cannot afford to encourage exception zoning requests by approving the one before us now. 

Please do not approve or in any way advance this request! 

Thank you, 

Dave Bowles 
15 Lily Pond Drive 
Camden, ME